Management Nuggets
- Are you an emotional
- Do you know how to tell the
difference between physical and emotional hunger?
- Do you know how to measure
your food without a measuring cup to keep your portion
sizes in line?
- Would you like to gain
about 2 hours a day to do the things you actually want
to do?
here and you'll get all the info mentioned above emailed to
easy, it's free and it's great info. You only need to click
any one of the free items to receive them all!
Krech, mastermind behind Motivation Assassinators, wants to
share some FREE tips and info to help you on your journey to not only
losing your weight but keeping it off for the rest of your life ! |
Portion Size Reminder
your portion size with this handy guide. Measuring can be the
difference between losing weight and gaining weight but in real life we
don’t always have a measuring cup in hand.
This guide will help you
keep your portions the correct size no matter where you are!
Eating Self-Test
Not sure
if you’re an “emotional eater”? Take
this self-test to find out where you fall and what you can do to
overcome the emotional eating obstacles!
To Tell The Difference Between Emotional Eating And Physical Hunger
Are you really
hungry or are you trying to fill an emotional void?
Use these helpful tips to
identify if you are trying to satisfy an emotional need or a physical
Report—How To Gain More Time In Your Day!
Do you feel like
you just never have enough time? Want
to learn how to gain 2 hours or more every day?
Just imagine what you could
do with 14 extra hours a week. Imagine
no more! Utilize these simple tips and gain 728 hours a year!
Cafeine is NOT a diet aid!
Many people believe their daily mug of coffee or
other caffeinated drink helps them to lose weight or keep weight off.
However, the diuretic effect of caffeine is what appears to create
weight loss, and this causes loss of water, not fat. Reputable
practitioners, like the Mayo Clinic, debunk the myth of caffeine for
weight loss and discourage its use as a weight loss aid.
Caffeine intake often perpetuates many of the
factors contributing to weight gain and continued obesity. Coffee and
caffeine intake aggravates stress, including physical, mental, and
emotional stress, leading to increased levels of the glucocorticoids
including cortisol. A well documented relationship exists between
chronically elevated levels of these stress hormones and deposition of
excess fat in the abdomen leading to obesity as well as increased
caloric intake, particularly increased ingestion of fats and sugars.
The following characteristics of coffee have an
adverse effect on weight loss:
Coffee Elevates Stress Hormones
- Caffeine in coffee elevates the stress hormones
cortisol, epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) and norepinephrine.
These hormones are responsible for increased heart rate and blood
pressure, and a sense of "emergency alert". Circulation of oxygen to
the brain and extremities is decreased and the immune system is
- The purpose of this "fight or flight" response is
to provide the body with a temporary energy boost for intense physical
activity. With today’s sedentary lifestyle, the continual state of
increased stress resulting from caffeine consumption can negatively
affect weight control through disruptions in normal metabolism.
Increased Cortisol Levels Lead to
Abdominal Obesity
- Chronically elevated blood cortisol levels that are
caused by frequent stress or regular caffeine or coffee intake lead to
an increased buildup of fat in the abdominal area; this type of weight
gain further stimulates the release of additional stress hormones.
Increased Stress Leads to Overeating
- This chronic state of increased stress caused by
caffeine is associated with a markedly increased tendency to overeat.
CNS stimulants stimulate anxiety and caffeine consumption increases the
tendency of people to overeat or binge-eat and abuse laxatives and diet
- Coffee drinking increases physiological
measurements of stress, and although this effect is greater with
increased caffeine levels.
- Elevation of stress hormones leads to fat cravings.
- Elevated levels of cortisol increase appetite.
Caffeine Stimulates Appetite
- Although caffeine is included as an ingredient in
many weight-loss aids, it actually stimulates appetite,
and organizations including the Mayo Clinic discourage the use of
caffeine as a weight-loss aid. Initially, caffeine may decrease
appetite through its central nervous system response. However,
subsequently caffeine increases cortisol levels,
and higher levels of cortisol stimulate appetite.
- Caffeine triggers hypoglycemia through the
activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal glands,
causing an immediate and sustained constriction of blood vessels,
decreased circulation to the brain and a heightened feeling of low
blood sugar. The body’s reaction to hypoglycemia results in
food cravings and increased appetite. People often
crave higher fat foods resulting in increased caloric intake, further
interfering with the body’s ability to maintain a healthy weight.
Source: Meri Rafetto, RD, Theresa Grumet, RD, and
Gerri French, RD, MS, CDE ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Belly Fat Got You Down?
Relora® is a natural stress
management ingredient that helps control stress-related eating and has
the added value of being non-sedating. In central nervous system
receptor binding assays the plant extracts in Relora® binds to several
important targets associated with stress. In addition, it normalizes
hormone levels associated with stress- induced weight gain and eating
behavior. Stress has been shown to play a significant role in a variety
of conditions. A large percentage of overweight adults have excessive
abdominal fat due to stress-related over eating. Relora® appears to
maintain healthy hormone levels in stressed individuals and act as an
aid in controlling weight and stress-related eating.
CAN I GET RELORA? Right here!
Relora is available at your
local Thin&Healthy and through our website. You can click here or the link below to
order yours today for only $23.00.
Clinical Studies reveal that
Relora® helps control stress-related symptoms, such as: irritability;
emotional ups and downs; restlessness; tense muscles; poor sleep;
concentration difficulties. Post trial analysis revealed an excellent
agreement (82%) with the pretrial concept. Relaxation was reported by
78% of the patients. The product does not cause significant sedation,
however, 74% of the patients did report restful sleep. Only 24%
reported drowsiness. Relora® was judged to be gentle on the stomach by
94% of the subjects. No significant side effects were reported. A
second trial was undertaken to measure cortisol and DHEA levels in 12
patients with mild to moderate stress. Elevated cortisol levels and
depressed DHEA levels are associated with chronic stress. In addition, Relora® reduced stress-
related snacking of sweets, such as ice cream, cake, pie, and cookies
by 76% in those individuals that claimed they ate these types of foods
under stress.
Over 500 subjects at the Living
Longer Clinic in Cincinnati have taken Relora® and rated its efficacy
on a 5-point scale. Relora® was considered effective for stress,
restful sleep and stress related eating if the subject rated the
product 3 or higher. Ninety percent (90%) of the subjects reported
Relora® helped them relax with a mean score of 3.5. Eighty- seven
percent (87%) reported Relora® helped them have a restful sleep with a
mean score of 3.5. Eighty- one percent (81%) reported Relora® helped
prevent stress related eating with a mean score of 3.4. Seventy percent
(70%) of the subjects rated Relora® as effective in helping manage
weight with a mean score of 3.0.
Relora® prevents weight
Clinical Trial A double-blind
placebo-controlled clinical trial with Relora® was completed in January
2004. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Relora®
in overweight women who typically eat more in stressful situations. 28
subjects completed the study and Relora® was well tolerated. There was
a significant weight gain during the study for the placebo group but no
significant weight gain and some weight loss for the Relora® group.
There was also a significant reduction in anxiety scores. The mechanism
of action appears to be through reduction or normalization of stress
hormone levels, and possibly perceived stress, thereby helping subjects
maintain body weight.
Convinced? Try it now! It's
available for only $23 Members can purchase it from your local
Thin&Healthy Center or you can get it now by clicking the link!
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
What's the deal with meal replacements?
Can you really replace a meal with a
beverage? |
With the fast pace of society more and more people
are searching for fast and easy ways to get in a meal, but can a
beverage really replace a meal?
Meal replacement beverages are popping up on
grocery and convenience store shelves all across the country. They
market their ease, taste and ability to "replace a meal" but a closer
looks shows you might not be getting the nutrition you think.
The average meal replacement beverage is between
170 and 280 calories and between seven and 20 grams of protein. A
typical meal would provide closer to 500 calories and around 20 - 30
grams of protein. These low calorie levels may be enticing for weight
loss but the problem is they may not give you the satisfaction a meal
can. Eating satisfaction comes from the taste, texture and feeling of
fullness a meal provides - liquids often lack that "feeling of
fullness", meaning you may end up eating more not less.
If you would like to get more out of your meal and
stay satisfied longer, try adding a Thin&Healthy protein
supplement to your meal instead of grabbing a meal replacement
beverage. You'll be getting 15 grams of protein with less than 4 grams
of fat and you won't have to give up all the tastes and textures of
eating a real meal.
If you are on the Thin&Healthy plan you
know you can have up to four supplements a day. Try having a chocolate
pudding for dessert or a cappuccino with your breakfast. Add our
chicken noodle soup to your lunch menu or have a wildberry passion cold
drink with your dinner. You see, supplements don't take the place of
your meal--they go along with it. You'll feel full, you won't be
craving sweets and you'll help to increase your metabolism with the
added protein. (Protein builds lean muscle and just the existence of
lean muscle burns fat.)
There are tons of great supplement flavors to
choose from!
Become Thin&Healthy Yourself with
our Online Program!
Thin&Healthy Online
Wouldn’t it be great to find a program (not a
‘diet’ to follow) that teaches you how to not only lose your weight but
shows you how to keep it off so you never need to lose weight again?
We know there are thousands of ‘diets’ on the
market for you to choose from.
In fact the average American has
been on 10-20 diets in the last 31/2-5 years!
Aren’t you tired of trying all of these
‘diets’ and not getting to and staying where you want to be?
Now, imagine
feeling great about your weight, your body, your health.
in your mind how you look: you know—that flat stomach, tight rear end,
firm legs, toned arms, no bra flab, no love handles, no double chin,
etc. What are
you wearing--jeans/pants with a size in the single digits, a shirt
tucked in, a belt showing off your small waist perhaps? How do you
feel--energetic, happy, healthy, confident, and on top of the world?
Feels good
doesn’t it?
How do you feel
right now (as you sit at your computer) about your weight, your body,
and your health?
You’d like it
to be better but you’re tired of trying all the gimmicks and diets that
haven’t worked for you right?
here to start losing up to 1/3 lb a day in the privacy of your own home
without a gimmick or ‘diet’. Click
here to learn how Thin&Healthy Online can teach you a lifestyle
change that help you get your weight off and keep it off!
You don't have
to have a TH center in your town to be on our awesome program. Here are
the details of the program and the link to get you on your way to being
Thin&Healthy for the rest of your life! You
have THREE choices in Thin&Healthy Online programs.
Just choose which one is right for you and we'll get you
started asap!
this make a difference?
Click below for more nuggets.
View this video of
Donna talking about
Lives that are Changed

View this video on
why Life Success
is Right for You
