I would like to speak to someone
about the Thin & Healthy Program. Is there a number I can call?
You will find each center's contact
information at our Find
A Location Page.
Can I cancel the online program at
Our online programs include the Life
Success program which is a 52 week commitment.
Can I cancel my in-center membership
via email?
Because each individual
Thin&Healthy's Total Solution center is licensed and operated
independently only your local center can discuss
membership issues and questions. The best thing to do is to visit or
call your local center and speak with them in person.
I Couldn't find what I needed from
this page. What should I do next to answer my question?
Contact us online via email at
info@thinandhealthy.com. Or if you attend a local center then you can
look up your local contact
information at our Find
A Location Page.
I started going then something came
up and I haven't been for a while can I start up again?
Most certainly, we have a restart program that allows you to come back
in and get a fresh start, everyone has a busy life and we understand
What will the Thin&Healthy
Supplements do for me?
Did you know that the body needs 22
amino acids each day and only 14 amino acids are supplied by the body?
The other 8 must come from foods. Our TH protein supplements have all
the essential amino acids the body needs. They are not required on our
program but they do all kinds of really great things like:
- Build healthy hair and nails
- Aid your digestive system
- Build resistance to
- Create thyroxin, which is used
to help speed up the metabolism
- Aid
in the treatment of depression
- Prevention
of premature aging
- Aid
in building strong cell walls
- Regulate
hormones (like adrenalin which
is produced during stress)
- Rid
the body of fatigue and
- Antidote
for depression and senility
- Relax
and promote sleep
- Help
the body to fight clots and my avoid
- Stabilize
blood sugar, which helps you from being
- Aid
in breaking down body fats immediately; in
return you lose inches and pounds
- Protect
fat surrounding
our vital organs such as heart, liver and kidneys
- Aid
in preservation of protein in lean body muscles
- Repair
damaged body tissue
- Avoid
strain on vital organs because it is
already broken down for the body to use.
supplements come in lots of different flavors and types like:
you join Thin&Healthy World's E-Program you get a free starter
kit that gives you one of each of our most popular flavors and 3 of our
bars, which make great snacks, and they taste great too.
How do I get enough fat grams in for
each phase? How many fat grams should I be averaging per day?
If you choose the egg breakfast
choice over the cereal that will give you more grams and choosing the
1/2 percent milk over skim will also up your grams. Another example
would be to choose chicken or turkey over a lower fat fish choice.
On average you should stay between 20-30 right now but some days will
be a bit lower (like cereal choice days) and that's ok. On your food
diary just try to average the week to 20-30.
I just received my menu plan for the
fast phase. I have a question about the snacks mid-morning and mid
afternoon. Is there a substitution I can use for the salad, can I
change one days snacks for another days? I work in a bank as a teller,
and it is rather difficult to eat a salad at work. I think the carrots
and other fresh veggies will be okay. Can I just switch those out?
Yes, that's the idea! We want you to
learn how to make healthy choices that will fit into your lifestyle.
On the intro phase breakfast menu, it
says you can eat 2 rice cakes for breakfast. Does this include any
variety of those? I love the Quaker caramel mini rice cakes. A serving
is 7 of them and it says they have 0g of fat. I'm a little confused
because your menu says rice cake have 2-3g of fat. Can you please
Some of the rice cakes do have fat in
them (especially the ones with the chips in them) so that's where the
fat comes from. They are full sized on the phase so you are right to
look at what the serving size is on your mini ones but you should also
compare what it is on the larger ones.
Keep this rule in mind:
- You want to make sure the sugars are = or lower
- The calories
are = to or lower
- The fat is = or lower
- The protein is = or greater than what ever item
you are comparing.
That goes for
anything--not just the rice cakes.
I was wondering if you have to have
the milk at breakfast? I'm not a big milk fan, so I was wondering if I
could just cut it out?
Well, here's what milk will help do:
The calcium in milk causes the fat cells to burn instead of store so if
you can stick it out that would be best. The other alternatives would
be fat free yogurt and fat free cottage cheese.
We have a Thin&Healthy Center
in our area. Can I still join Thin&Healthy World?
If you have a Thin&Healthy
center in your area you will achieve the best results possible because
you have a full staff of coaches and personal trainers to help you get
to your goal and teach you how to stay there for the rest of your life.
The Thin&Healthy World E-program is a self-motivated program
with the coaching coming from your weekly Healthy Portion Emails. The
Healthy Portions are awesome but not as awesome as having a real coach
weigh you in 2-3 times a week and a meeting with your very own personal
trainer biweekly.
Bottom line--if you have a center in your area you will achieve e the
best results as a member of that center! Check out our locations to see
if there's a Thin&Healthy center near you!
Can I switch over from a
Thin&Healthy Center to the Thin&Healthy World E-Program
Since our centers and the
Thin&Healthy World E-program are set up in completely different
formats we are unable to transfer memberships from a center to the
I was wondering if by adding a cold
drink mix to my water, if I should count that as water intake also.
Water is water is water. Adding a
supplement to your water makes it a supplement and not pure water so it
doesn't count in your water ounces.
I was wondering about the amount of
supplements I am required on Fast Phase, and can I use them at
different meals than they are listed? Do I have to use 3 a day?
2 supplements are required on the
fast phase per day but you can have up to 4. Use your best judgment. If
you are experiencing stomach-growling hunger--a supplement may really
help with that.
What's the difference between the
online program and the in-center program?
If the area you live in has a local
center you will find that your results will be far greater because of
the one on one attention and having a workout facility right there.
The online program was developed only for those who do not have a local
center available to them. The online program is a self-monitoring
program that is done
all online via emails where the local centers really give you hands on
help. Yes, there is a cost difference because you will have access to a
workout facility
and personal coaching in a center. The online program is a smaller
investment because you do everything on your own. We both use the same
Healthy Foods
Education plan and the Life Success portion of the program is the same.
Of course, we sell all the same products online as we do in our
centers, you just
wouldn't have any shipping if you were a center member.
Again, coaching is the most valuable tool you can ever use and it's
best available to you in your local center, which is what we highly
recommend when there is a
facility near you.
What are veggie crumbles?
Veggie Crumbles are a soy-based
product which can be used as a protein source instead of meat. You can
find it in the produce section
of your grocery store-- usually tucked in with the fresh
veggies--possibly near the organic items.
I have a hard time eating as much
fish as the plan requires. Could you give me some good substitutions
for fish?
You can have either chicken or turkey
in place of eating the fish or other seafood. We just want you to have
variety and not eat the
same meat choice every day.
My heart Dr. has told me to stop ALL
salt. I'm looking on the soup package and it does not have any info
listed. Are the soup
supplements high in salt?
Depending upon the flavor they range
from 490 to 610 mg of sodium per serving. Cream of mushroom: 490 mg,
Chicken noodle and cream of
chicken: 500 mg, Cream of tomato: 550 mg, Chicken bullion: 610 mg.

I would like more information on the
kids program. Do you have an outline or a sample of the program? Is
there a monthly fee?
The Thin&Healthy Kids Program
contains 32 topics:
8 Fun Foods topics that teach you and your kids how to grocery shop and
eat for health
8 Mighty Movies topics that show you how to get your kids moving their
bodies in fun ways
16 Life Success topics that reveal the importance of
-emotional health (which allows parents and kids to get what they want
without whining, crying, begging, yelling, threatening or fighting)
-social health (which lets kids make and keep friends)
-mental health (which shows kids the value of getting their homework
done while enjoying school and learning)
You can move through the program at your own pace, though we do
recommend at least one new lesson per week for consistency.
If you purchase the TH Kids program through a location near you, there
is a monthly fee to cover the cost of service and coaching. If you
purchase the program online there is no monthly fee because you're
doing the work on your own with no assistance from our staff.
How does the metabolism in our bodies
work and how does protein help speed up the metabolism?
Your body's metabolism is based on
the food that you eat. Your body gets all of its energy from plant and
animal products that you
ingest on a daily basis. This energy is measured in calories. After you
eat your food, your body breaks down the different components into
energy that
it can use to run different cellular processes. Special molecules,
called enzymes, which are released by your pancreas and thyroid gland,
help to break
your food down into sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. These three
types of energy are then absorbed into your bloodstream and transported
to all of
the different cells in your body to help to run all of your body's
different processes. Any excess energy is then stored by your body as
muscle or fat
so that it can be used in the future.
What role does protein play in speeding up the metabolism? Consuming
more protein will help speed up your metabolism because the body
more calories to digest protein compared to carbohydrates. Stick to low
fat protein. Go for lean meats like chicken, turkey and fish. Fish
contains loads
of omega-3, which can help boost your health too.
My mind & life are consumed
with negativity. I was wondering what you would recommend to be able to
help my FINALLY reach my goals.
I'm an avid exerciser and I do watch what I eat. Do you have any
products/books/dvds, etc. that would help me with my mind set &
help me get rid of all the
negativity I have for myself?
We have some incredible programs and
products to help with your mindset. First our Never Ending Motivation
program helps you identify what's
been keeping you from achieving and maintain your goals by looking at
what actually kills your motivation. I think you'll find exactly what
you are looking for at
Also check out Donna Krech's other products in our webstore.
The Victory Principle, Conversations on Success and Happiness Is A
Decision Of The Heart are other items of Donna's that I recommend for
you as well.
I was wondering if it is ok to use
low sodium V8 for a vegetable serving.
Keep in mind that V8 doesn't contain
the fiber that eating real vegetables does so it shouldn't be used as a
replacement for a serving of veggies.
I need help to live a successful life
and how to be financially independent.
We have a great program that is
designed to lead you on your journey to Life Success. You can learn
more about it by going to lifesuccessinternational.com.
Here's what the Life Success program includes:
A One-Year Game Plan covering the 12 Essentials for Success! Geared to
help you achieve Personal Victory and Life Success
52 Weekly Strategic Game Plans via Email which include:
Focus on mastering each months module
Reviews and highlights of the weekly audio portion of the program
Action strategies and exercises Weekly downloadable workbook files
Following Q and A AND
You'll Receive 12 Conference Calls (one per month) with a specific
focus and hosted by a Premier Expert in each of the 12 Essentials for
Life Success including
Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Loral Langemeier, Bob Burg, Chris
Widener, and more...
But wait...There's even more!
We're also including Downloadable Books, Audios, Conference Calls and
Weekly Workbook Files.
You'll receive a comprehensive, 129-page downloadable workbook Goals
Creating a Life On Purpose, written by author Tina Miller whose
workbook for the Jim Rohn
Coaching Program won rave reviews from the students.
A downloadable special report Converting New Years Resolutions Into
Reality by Jeff Davidson, the widely acclaimed author of The Complete
Idiots Guide to
Reaching Your Goals.
A downloadable mp3 audio teaching on goals: Jim Rohns famous Goals
Workshop recorded before a live audience, which offers a simple model
for identifying your
A downloadable mp3 audio teaching on goals: Bob Proctor knows Goals he
went from $6,000 income per year as a fireman to a millionaire in just
a few years and he
will help you understand the infinite potential you possess.
We also have The Victory Principle which is another program that can
help you. Here's our information for The
Victory Principle.
Another program we offer is Donna's Never Ending Motivation program
which will help you to identify and teach you how to overcome the
things that have been
killing your motivation and keeping you from achieving success. Check
it out at neverendingmotivation.com
Are your supplements and bars
required on the program?
Our supplements and bars are just a
way for our members to get added protein without all the fat and
calories that many foods tend to
have. The supplements and/or bars are not a required part of our
program. Each on of our protein supplements contains 15 grams of
protein and they come in a
variety of flavors such as hot chocolate, cappuccino, chicken soup and
chocolate pudding--just to name a few. You can see all of the nutrition
content and
ingredients by visiting our online
store and clicking on the individual products. The
bars we carry are of higher nutritional quality than something like a
slim fast bar for example and they are better for you than eating a
real candy bar of
What is your diet plan like?
Our program utilizes real grocery
store foods. The phases/menus are designed to teach portion control and
food groups. We believe in
a lifestyle change--not a diet. We want you to eat your favorite
foods--in a healthy way. If you are eating the foods you love while you
are losing
your weight you'll never feel deprived. We teach you how to not only
lose your weight but how to keep it off forever.
How many times a week do I have weigh
in at a center?
Our members are guaranteed results
when they weigh in two times per week at a Thin&Healthy Center
but you'll get the best results
weighing in three times per week.
Is the gelatin in your supplements
animal based?
All of the supplements except for the
chocolate, vanilla and strawberry pudding/shake mixes do contain bovine
based gelatin. The
vegetarian chili meal doesn't contain gelatin as well as the oatmeal
(regular and apples and cinnamon).
I joined Thin&Healthy in 1996
and had marvelous results. Since then I've had a heart attack. I see
that if I wish to rejoin I need a
doctor's release. Do you have these forms or does the doctor have them?
Is it safe for me to use the supplements with all the medication I'm on?
Since you've had a heart attack you
would need a doctor's release. I would need your doctor's contact info
so I could send the letter and wait
to see if he/she would allow you on the program.
How do I count the chili entree or
spaghetti Bolognese entree in the meal? Does it count as the meat?
The chili entree and the spaghetti
Bolognese entree are each equal to one meat serving and one starch
serving for the meal.
Any place to get more recipes
We have an excellent collection of
tried and true Thin&Healthy recipes in our Thin&Healthy
Forever Cookbook. It contains hundreds of recipes
submitted by our members for our members. All the recipes include
nutrition information and which phase they can be enjoyed on. Your
local center will have
the T&H Forever cookbook or you can Click
Here to order it online.
Can I order products online if I am
not a member?
Absolutely! Just go to the Thin
and Healthy Store.
I don't need to lose weight, but have
been trying for years to rid myself of the layer of fat on my stomach.
Do you know why belly fat is so
stubborn? And, do you have something to help me get rid of it?
Women especially tend to gain more
weight around their mid-section due to a stress hormone called
cortisol. Relora (a stimulant
free natural herb) helps to fight this stubborn belly fat and it helps
to de-stress you. If you're feeling stressed (man or woman) and your
belly bulge is
bothering you Relora can really help.
Check with your physician if you are on any type of MAOI or
anti-depressant before taking Relora.
You can learn more and place an order for Relora by visiting
Top 6 Causes of Belly Fat: (some might surprise you)
Stress > work, finances, family, weight
Hormones > imbalance or over-production
Muscle Tone > lack of abdominal muscle exercise
Actual Fat > overall fat cell content of body
Water > retaining water in body
Genetics > genes inherited from parents
How Relora Can Help You:
Shown to help 78% of adults feel more relaxed, and promotes restful
sleep Useful in controlling weight loss by fighting the nervous eating
that affects so many
people under stress.
Patented proprietary blend of standardized extracts. Each capsule
contains 250 mg of Relora Our brand of Relora has a higher absorbency
rate than other similar
products on themarket.
Benefits of Relora:
Help to relieve stress
Reduce anxiety
Sleep soundly
Feeling of general well being
Control irritability, anxiety, depression, anger Improve blood flow and
hormonal balance
Can I order supplements and bars
Yes. Thin&Healthy Center
Members--we encourage you too purchase your supplements and bars from
the location you are a member
of while you weigh in.
If you are on the Thin&Healthy plan you know you can have up to
four supplements a day. Try having a chocolate pudding for dessert or a
cappuccino with
your breakfast. Add our chicken noodle soup to your lunch menu or have
a wildberry passion cold drink with your dinner. You see, supplements
don't take
the place of your meal--they go along with it. You'll feel full, you
won't be craving sweets and you'll help to increase your metabolism
with the added
protein. (Protein builds lean muscle and just the existence of lean
muscle burns fat.)
There are tons of great supplement flavors to choose from!
SUPPLEMENT PACKAGES AVAILABLE (Click on it and you'll go straight to
the order form!):
supplements $18
supplements + 3 free -- $28
supplements + 6 free -- $47
supplements + 15 free *Best Value! -- $87
I am interested in learning more
about the business opportunities available.
If you want to make a great living
and a great big difference check out our
licensing page to learn all about our licensing opportunities
or call 419-991-1223 and ask for a licensing specialist.